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cPanel/WHM Pricing

Pricing For Monthly Licenses for Internal Servers
The following price list is for Monthly Licenses to be used on Internal Servers only. The prices shall be based upon the number of Monthly Licenses (i.e., the number of such licenses in the Partner NOC’s account at the time of invoice) that the Partner NOC elects to purchase and maintain.

“ Adjusted License Count ” means the total number of licenses the Partner NOC currently has active, which is calculated by adding the number of Dedicated Server Licenses to one half of the number of Virtual Server Licenses.

For purposes of determining quantity (for Dedicated Server License volume and pricing only) the Adjusted License Count is utilized.

Quantity Monthly Price
 1-59 MONTHLY LICENSES  $35.00
 60-139 MONTHLY LICENSES  $32.00
 140-179 MONTHLY LICENSES  $30.00
 180-499+ MONTHLY LICENSES  $25.00

Pricing For Monthly Virtual Server Licenses for Internal Servers

The following price list is for monthly Virtual Server Licenses to be used on Internal Servers only. The prices shall be based upon the number of monthly Virtual Server Licenses (i.e., the number of such licenses in the Partner NOC’s account at the time of invoice) that the Partner NOC elects to purchase.

Quantity Monthly Price

Enkompass Pricing

For the purpose of defining quantity, a 500 Account Pack is equal to 1 license.  Volume based pricing is solely determined by the number of Enkompass accounts and discounts and/or volume does not apply to cPanel/WHM licensing.

Total Aggregate Accounts 500 Account Pack 1000 Account Pack 1500 Account Pack +500 Account Pack
0-500 (Base Price) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
501 - 10,000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
10,001 - 30,000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
30,001 - 60,000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
60,001 - 200,000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

CloudLinux Pricing

License Type  Monthly Price License Name
CloudLinux License for cPanel/WHM servers $9.00 *-CLOUDLINUX-WITH-CPANEL
CloudLinux License for non-cPanel/WHM servers $11.00 *-CLOUDLINUX-WITHOUT-CPANEL

*-CLOUDLINUX-WITH-CPANEL licenses may be used only on servers running cPanel software products. By purchasing *-CLOUDLINUX-WITH-CPANEL licenses, Partner NOC agrees not to install these licenses on servers which do not use cPanel software products. All *-CLOUDLINUX-WITH-CPANEL licenses running on servers which do not use cPanel software products will be deactivated. No refunds will be given in the event of such a deactivation. 
